Location: tacoma, wa, United States

Mother of 4 in her 40's learning to live life again on my own terms.

Friday, December 02, 2005

daniah and the witch

Daniah was born ensorcelled,
anathematized with an amaranthine face.
She lived her life as if in a fairy tale,
she was never in need it seemed,
but inside
Daniah cursed the gods.
Her unpaling beauty,
to her, was a curse.
She longed to know true love,
the kind of love like in the story Beauty and the Beast,
her favorite.
She longed to be loved for what she was inside
not what she was in their eyes.
On her birthday she clandestinely met with a witch,
a very wonderful (though very ugly) witch.
Together they cast a spell,
for one year Daniah would live as the witch
and the witch would live as Daniah
(at least in looks not position).
Once the spell was effectuated
the witch became quite beautiful,
her outside finally matching her inside.
Daniah became homely and unattractive
but never lost her compassion or innocence.
For one year this came to pass.
The witch found love in the world of Dania
and Daniah found love in the world of the witch.
At the stroke of midnight,
exactly one year later
they returned to the wood with their loves they had found,
and as the clocktower tolled the time
Daniah returned to her beauty,
but,the witch too remained beautiful.
For in her kindness to Daniah
the witch proved worthy of her own beauty,
and the gods smiled down on her
and granted her hearts desire.

(ensorcelled = bewitched, aramanthine = eternally beautiful, clandestinely = secretly, effectuated = complete, anathematized = cursed)


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